The CatholicVoter September 2018
The Monthly Newsletter of CatholicVote
WARNING: "Blue Wave" Coming!
If it reaches shore it will destroy America!
From the President...

What do these laws have in common?
- Abortion-on-demand.
- No prayer in schools.
- No Bible reading in public schools.
- No reciting the Lord’s Prayer in public schools.
- No religious symbols on public land.
- Marriage is NOT a covenant between one man and one woman.
- The government can force Catholics and other Christians to violate their consciences.
Answer: They were all imposed on the nation by unelected judges! In today’s America, it’s not elected legislative bodies that make law, its judges. And with radical judicial activists handing down these rulings, Catholics and all people of faith are suffering.
President Trump is determined to change that. He is nominating men and women to our federal courts who respect the Constitution and will protect religious liberty for Catholics and all Americans. As you’ll read in this issue, CatholicVote is determined to help him succeed!
Democrats’ Anti-Catholic Bigotry On Kavanaugh Will Cost Them In November
In this article written for Conservative HQ, George Rasley points out how radically anti-Catholic the Left and the Democratic Party have become. And while this anti-Catholic bigotry may be disheartening in the short-term, in the long-term it could well be the best thing that ever happened to faithful, Mass-attending, pro-life, pro-family, pro-religious liberty Catholics; at least politically. That’s because, as Rasley states in his article:
[M]onths of televised Anti-Catholic bias from Democrats as they try to block the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh [to the Supreme Court] could solidify the Catholic voting trend demonstrated in the 2016 Election, giving Republicans a huge advantage in the 2018 Midterm and 2020 Presidential Elections.
Rasley fills his article with voting statistics from the 2016 Election and demonstrates how the Catholic voting bloc can entrench GOP control of the White House and Congress for years. The numbers are there.
Talk about finding the “silver lining” in the Democrats’ unbridled attacks on all things Catholic – including judicial nominees and other White House positions. Rasley’s article documents how the Left and the Democrats are unraveling and showing their true inner anti-Catholic selves. To be sure, they will still capture a significant number of Catholics to vote for their “feel good” socialist, welfare-state policies. But that’s going to be a small number of Catholics.
What’s important going forward is to make sure all Catholics – and especially those Catholics who’ve long been members of the Democratic Party – that today’s Democratic Party leaders are NOT the same as those who led the Party when their grandparents were Democrats. The Party has changed, as Rasley rightly points out. In fact, the Democrats can now be called the Party of Death over its militant support for legalized abortion-on-demand. Combine that with their inflammatory anti-Catholic rhetoric and they’re sure to drive good, hard-working, faithful, Mass-attending Catholics from their Party. To read Mr. Rasley’s article type this link into your Internet browser:
Normally this page is devoted to ways in which CatholicVote is putting your dollars into action. In this issue, however, instead of presenting actions the CatholicVote staff has taken, we are calling on the CatholicVote family to take strong, powerful and immediate action; and specifically, PRAYING!
Here is an abbreviated version of the prayer Archbishop John Carroll, the first bishop of the United States, wrote on November 10, 1791 invoking God’s protection on the newly formed United States of America. He instructed the prayer to be recited in parishes throughout his diocese. We heartily encourage all CatholicVote members and supporters to say this prayer as often as possible, especially in the weeks leading up to the pivotal 2018 Election. For the prayer in its entirely, plus a bit of history behind its writing, type this link into your internet browser:
Save Our Courts . . . and America
The only thing liberals and elitists on the Left and in the Democratic Party hate more than a Supreme Court Justice or federal judge who bases his or her decisions on the Constitution is a CATHOLIC Supreme Court Justice or federal judge who bases his or her decisions on the Constitution. Fortunately for America, President Trump is determined to fill our federal courts with exactly these types of individuals, be they Catholic or not. As it happens, Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a faithful, Mass-attending practicing Catholic. Justice Neil Gorsuch is not. But both men are solid Constitutionalists. And this drives the Left mad because they use the courts to get by judicial fiat what they could never achieve at the ballot box.
President Trump is determined to bring that to an end by transforming our federal judiciary. Whether or not he succeeds depends on the outcome of the 2018 Midterm Election. As we went to press there were 152 vacancies in our federal courts. The President has submitted 88 nominees to fill these vacancies. Most still languish in the Senate due to the stonewalling and slow-walking of the Democrats. That pattern of blocking President Trump’s nominees from ever becoming federal judges will continue if Chuck Schumer and the Democrats take control of the Senate this November. Since we Catholics hold the key to control of the Senate in 2018, it’s up to us to SAVE OUR COURTS!
Saint of the Month:
Sts. Michael, Raphael and Gabriel
St. Michael’s name means: “Who is like God?” Two of his duties are: (1) to combat Satan, and (2) to be a champion of all Christians, and the Church herself. According to Pope Leo XIII’s personal secretary, while offering Mass one day, the Holy Father had a vision of demonic spirits massing around Rome. The vision was so real Pope Leo’s face became “pale and fearful.” It was then that he wrote the Prayer to St. Michael and instructed the whole Church to say the prayer. CatholicVote recommends all Catholics do as Pope Leo recommended and say the Prayer to St. Michael daily. We live in frightening times and need his heavenly aid.
St. Gabriel’s name means: “God is my warrior.” He is the patron of messengers, which, in essence, is the mission of CatholicVote. We are messengers of warning who call God’s people to action, especially in our nation’s political process. Just as it was God sent Gabriel to the prophet Daniel, to Mary and to St. Joseph, so He sends CatholicVote members to announce that God is with us as we rouse our fellow Catholics to action.
St. Raphael’s name means: “God heals.” In addition to curing Tobit of his blindness, Raphael drove out the demon Asmodeus from Sara, the wife of Tobit’s son Tobias. Asmodeus had killed all seven of Sara’s prior husbands on their wedding nights. We should call on St. Raphael to drive the abortionist “Asmodeus” from the United States so that we and our posterity might live.
Sts. Michael, Raphael and Gabriel: Pray for us!
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